Our mission is to provide handmade, ethical yarns and craft supplies to creative communities worldwide. Every skein of yarn we offer is produced in remote villages in northern India by the talented women we collaborate with, ensuring that each product is made with care, respect for the environment, and a deep connection to the people who create it. At Yarn Yarn, we believe in crafting with a purpose—supporting traditional techniques while promoting sustainability and fair trade practices.. See Our Yarn Journey for our info.

Our yarns are produced using traditional techniques in a safe and supportive working environment for the women and their families. Spinning yarns provide these marginalized communities with regular work and fair wages, empowering them to achieve financial independence. Every product we offer has been consciously made with a deep commitment to ethical practices and sustainability.

Your support is crucial—without you, these communities would lack the opportunities that this work provides, and without you, there would be no yarns. Thank you for being a part of this journey and for helping to sustain the livelihoods of these incredible artisans.